The Nobel Surprise

Friday was such a strange day. I woke up and learned that President Obama won The Nobel Peace Prize. This is so amazing. He is the luckiest person I have ever seen or heard of in my life.

The peace prize has been awarded to individuals that have suffered their entire life life for causes that generally deify ones imagination,i.e. Nelson Mandela and Sister Theresa and the like. President Obama has been in office 9 months.

In closing, I hope he can live up to this level of expectations that he has received. Yet, more importantly, help the people of the world to live a better quality of life. People need jobs, education and health care all over the world. We need to have to leadership to guide people in new directions. We need less to no war and more love and peace to live betters lives together. I hope this award is one that is all people to do better. Please tell me what do you think?

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